Soil is Life

Join our on-site seminar on soil health
and get to know your soil


Let's get our hands dirty

Welcome to our exciting seminar on soil health!
Whether you're a passionate hobby gardener or a small-scale farmer, join us for an enriching exploration of the very foundation of successful cultivation—soil. Get ready for a hands-on experience as we dig into the earth, allowing you to touch and feel the soil, gaining a deeper understanding of its composition and structure. Our seminar goes beyond the surface as we employ simple equipment to analyze the soil, discussing the results and delving into eco-friendly tilling methods that promote sustainable and fruitful growth.

The seminar is an all-day event, providing ample time to engage with soil and learn valuable insights. Guests are welcome to join us for a healthy vegetarian lunch served in our roomy greenhouse—a perfect opportunity for networking and further discussions on soil health and sustainable farming practices. Come and unearth the secrets beneath your feet, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the life-sustaining essence of healthy soil.

What we'll talk about

Soil composition

  • Understanding the Components: Learn about the key constituents that make up soil, including minerals, organic matter, water, and air.
  • Soil Texture: Delve into the different soil textures—sandy, loamy, and clayey—and their implications for plant growth and water retention.
  • Soil Structure: Explore how soil particles arrange themselves into aggregates, affecting porosity and root penetration.
  • Soil Formation: Discuss the processes involved in soil formation, including weathering, erosion, deposition, and biological activities that shape the characteristics of soil.
  • Role of Organic Material: Delve into the significance of organic material, such as decomposed plant and animal matter, in soil formation and its impact on soil structure, fertility, and sustainability.

Biological activity

  • Microbial Life: Explore the diverse and intricate world of microorganisms in the soil, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and more, and understand their vital roles in nutrient cycling and decomposition.
  • Soil Fauna: Discuss the different soil-dwelling organisms, such as earthworms, nematodes, and arthropods, and their contributions to soil structure, aeration, and organic matter breakdown.
  • Soil Food Web: Delve into the complex interactions and relationships among various soil organisms, illustrating the interconnectedness and balance within the soil ecosystem.
  • Microscopic Exploration: Experience firsthand the fascinating world of soil microorganisms by observing soil samples under the microscope, gaining insights into their structures and behaviors for a deeper understanding of biological activity within the soil.

Health indicators

  • Indicator Plants and Fungi: Understand the role of specific plants and fungi as indicators of soil health, observing their presence and analyzing their characteristics to assess the soil's condition and suitability for certain vegetation.
  • Nutrient Balance: Explore the importance of a well-balanced nutrient composition in the soil for optimal plant growth and how imbalances can serve as indicators of potential issues in soil health.
  • Soil Testing and Analysis: Discuss the significance of soil testing to evaluate nutrient levels, pH, and other crucial parameters. Learn how to interpret lab results to make informed decisions about soil amendments and improvements.
  • Compaction and Aeration: Learn about the indicators of soil compaction and poor aeration, understanding how these factors can affect root development, water infiltration, and overall plant health.

What you'll learn

How to listen to soil

Discover the art of "listening" to your soil as we guide you through the process of soil analysis right in your own home. Learn to decipher the clues embedded within your soil's composition, texture, and structure, unlocking insights that can significantly impact your gardening or farming endeavors. From understanding the simple tools and techniques needed for soil analysis to interpreting detailed lab results, we'll equip you with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions, optimize nutrient levels, and nurture a thriving soil ecosystem. Join us on this educational journey and cultivate a deeper connection with your soil, empowering you to cultivate healthier and more abundant gardens and crops.

How to nurture soil

Explore the delicate balance of nurturing your soil to ensure it remains healthy and vibrant. Our seminar will guide you through sustainable practices and techniques to enrich the soil with vital nutrients, promoting optimal growth for your plants without causing harm to the environment. Discover eco-friendly fertilization methods, composting secrets, and smart organic practices that will empower you to cultivate a thriving soil ecosystem. Learn to replenish essential nutrients, improve soil structure, and foster a harmonious relationship between your plants and the earth beneath them. Join us and unlock the knowledge to sustainably nurture your soil for bountiful harvests and a greener future.

How to protect soil

We will shed light on the potential detrimental effects of specific tilling techniques and harmful substances on your precious soil. Gain insights into the far-reaching consequences of improper soil management practices and chemical inputs that may lead to soil degradation, erosion, and loss of fertility. Learn how to mitigate these risks and adopt sustainable, eco-conscious alternatives that safeguard the health and resilience of your soil. Equip yourself with knowledge and strategies to preserve your soil's vitality, ensuring a nurturing environment for your plants and a sustainable foundation for future generations. Join us to become a steward of the earth beneath your feet.

Ready to dive in?

Secure your spot now!
50 € per participant
Free for children under 14




Sat, July 1st
Sat, August 5th
Sat, September 2nd


Bussahagen Dalen 5
545 93 Töreboda


hand-drawn map showing the location